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Solid Waste and Recycling Letter

November 12, 2020


On September 3, 2020, the Dunn County Solid Waste and Recycling Department announced that their program will be terminating on December 31, 2020, and they will no longer provide services of any kind for solid waste (garbage) or recycling to residents of Dunn County.

The program had been running at a deficit and large fee increases to participating municipalities (including the Town of Sheridan) were proposed for 2021 and beyond.

On September 25, 2020 the Town of New Haven, Town of Sheridan, and Town of Tiffany entered into an intergovernmental agreement to share the cost of recycling using a per capita calculation. The Town of New Haven has contracted with Waterman’s Recycling and Sanitation from Amery to provide a container for mandated recyclables starting in January 2021.

Beginning in January 2nd, 2021, the Connorsville Collection Site (E1285 1256th Street in Connorsville) will be a drop-off location for recyclables only, NO solid waste (garbage) services will be offered.  The site will be available for recyclables on the first Saturday of the month, after the first Friday of the month, through Thursday of the following week.  This offers 6 consecutive days each month for residents to drop off recyclables.  The site will be available at any time during those days; however, no lighting is available in the site.

As for solid waste, there will be a roll off available at our Sheridan Town Hall on the same Saturday and Sunday of each month.  Therefore, starting January 2nd and 3rd, there will be a roll off there for garbage only.  This will be only for the garbage you would have put in the compactor at the Highway 25 & 64 site.  The dumpster at the town hall will NOT be for recyclables, tires, electronics, appliances, construction waste, bulbs, batteries, etc.  These items will need to be taken to a company like Waterman’s Sanitation in Amery (Saturdays 9am to noon) or Waste Management in Weyerhaeuser.  If any of these items are in the dumpster, it will be charged to the township and increase costs.  The garbage service at the town hall will be discontinued if this is a problem.  Please only put in acceptable garbage.

If curbside pick-up is a better option for you, we did get quotes from Waterman Sanitation at $80/quarter (800.828.6471) or Menomonie Disposal at $25/month (715.235.9511).

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Again, please note that the current County collection sites will only be open through the end of this calendar year. We encourage the use of recycling of any non-mandated items at the county sites prior to closing.


Thank you,

Sheridan Town Board